I found this lecture very easy as it explored the different types of drugs and their effects and the lecture oppened the session up to the students to allow feedback, it was interesting how open minded my fellow students were to the concept of drug taking, the most common drug that was discussed by the group was canabis and this is because i beleive canabis is becoming more and more socially accepted in society today. cannabis is the new tobacco, and although it is illegal and you can be arrested and charged for having it in your possesion people are quite open about smoking it, i dont cannabis but i have a lot of freinds and family who smoke it socially on a regular basis, some smoking daily in the evening or in the night to unwind before they go to sleep, and others who smoke on the weekend before they go out to the clubs, i asked one particullar freind why she smokes, and when she began smoking cannabis this is what she had to say
"ive smoked since i was 15, cant exactly remember what made me begin, to be honest but when i was younger we would go to the park across from school during lunchtime and it was like a regime (laughing) the spliffs we would build were massive and wed pass it around and play a game called 'puff puff give' wed all take a draw and pass it on and wed spoke about three between say about 5 of us during lunch wed go back to school and have the giggles and the munchies al through lesson i dont get that feeling anymore its more a relaxing feeling or the illusion that everything is alright" i spoke to various other people on my mission and got simmilar stories a few of these people having starting off smoking weed, had progressed onto drugs like ecstasy and speed even coccaine and the most common reason for this overall was curiosity and the fact that they had grown up bein told that class a drugs were bad and should never be touched, the fact that they were forbiden made it more apealing, another reason was that after smoking weed for many years they had started to get immune to the effects and needed something stronger.
"ive smoked since i was 15, cant exactly remember what made me begin, to be honest but when i was younger we would go to the park across from school during lunchtime and it was like a regime (laughing) the spliffs we would build were massive and wed pass it around and play a game called 'puff puff give' wed all take a draw and pass it on and wed spoke about three between say about 5 of us during lunch wed go back to school and have the giggles and the munchies al through lesson i dont get that feeling anymore its more a relaxing feeling or the illusion that everything is alright" i spoke to various other people on my mission and got simmilar stories a few of these people having starting off smoking weed, had progressed onto drugs like ecstasy and speed even coccaine and the most common reason for this overall was curiosity and the fact that they had grown up bein told that class a drugs were bad and should never be touched, the fact that they were forbiden made it more apealing, another reason was that after smoking weed for many years they had started to get immune to the effects and needed something stronger.
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